


Wiki » Historique » Version 4

Pierre-Henri HORREIN, 17/03/2016 13:36

1 1 Pierre-Henri HORREIN
h1. Welcome to Ouessant RedMine public page
3 2 Pierre-Henri HORREIN
Ouessant is an approach for Hardware coprocessors integration. It is based on a microcode thought for IP usage. You can find a short history of the project in the [[OuessantHistory|history]] wiki page. 
4 1 Pierre-Henri HORREIN
5 2 Pierre-Henri HORREIN
In this RedMine page, you will find all required documentation to understand, use and develop Ouessant coprocessors. You can also add tickets to request enhancement or report bugs/issues. You can also browse the code.
6 1 Pierre-Henri HORREIN
7 2 Pierre-Henri HORREIN
Ouessant is distributed under a "CeCILL-C": license. This license is fully compatible with GNU LGPL license. Ouessant is an academic project, we will try to release new versions on a regular basis, and to correct any bugs you find, but time required for this may vary. 
8 1 Pierre-Henri HORREIN
9 4 Pierre-Henri HORREIN
Pleasse note that while Ouessant itself is under the CeCILL-C license, we also give access to code that links to other projects. For example, all Leon related files (SoC projects, Leon integration, Amba integration, ...) are distributed under a GPLv2 license. 
11 1 Pierre-Henri HORREIN
We hope you will enjoy using Ouessant as much as we do !
The Ouessant team
h2. Starting Points
 * [[OuessantHistory|Project Genesis]] --  A short description of the Ouessant project history, team and aims
 * [[OuessantQuickStart|Quickstart]] -- Using Ouessant: Quick Start Guide
19 3 Pierre-Henri HORREIN
 * (coming soon!) [[OuessantBoards|Supported boards]] -- List of supported boards and how to work with them
 * (coming soon!) [[OuessantAddIp|Howto: add an IP]] -- Add an IP to Ouessant
21 1 Pierre-Henri HORREIN
 * [[OuessantCommunication|Publications]] -- Presentations and work based on Ouessant
 * [[OuessantContactUs|Contact us !]]