Note: - Color coding in in HSV: Hue from 0 to 360° in the circle of colors, Saturation from 0 to 100%, Value (brightness) for 0 to 100% If the physical lamp is in RGB or in CIE1931, please compute conversion - "mode" and "scene" could have been merged (by predefining some of the scene names with mode names) One prefers to separate predefinied mode names and fuzzy scenes names (which are deeply dependent of capabilities of the actual lamp) - Scenes may accept optionnal parameters (e.g. timing values for a blinking scene) The "option" parameter is provided for this (accepting any type) Need extra documentation to be provided by the lamp vendor - Calling "set_brigthness()" or "set_white_temperature()" switch the lamp to the "white" mode Calling "set_hsv()" switch the lamp to the "color" mode Calling "set_scene()" switch the lamp to the "scene" mode ... if the call is sucessfull